Saturday, March 21, 2009

Frankie is Savoy


Frankie is Savoy. The bond
Of silence is upon him.
And deep with memories, of slights and scorn,
And trampled on, yet all untamed;
All aged now, yet unbowed, --
The master of the young dance's prime,
Whose rhythms still laugh at Time,
And lifts to heaven the joy of movement,
Rests satisfied upon his fame.

Who shall say:
I taught swing to fly;
And fought abroad to preserve a freedom
I did not have at home,
Give it all up for family and community,
Then returned to teach the world to swing?

Yea, voices mutter about idle comparisons;
Singing of fast feet and celluloid fame,
New-born and known but yesterday.

--"Rhythm in Exile", Eshu Obatala

Friday, March 20, 2009

a year has passed
and still
the sky weeps


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

isle of outlawed dreams

on the isle
of outlawed dreams
at the end
of the rainbow
there the evening
sun rests


the muse teases

on writing poems

to me it flows in spurts
the muse teases and teases
then she abandons